You Are Your Habits
It really is this simple. So often when we want aspects of our lives to change, we hope and we wish, we pray for it, but very often we aren’t willing to change the habits that are keeping us from attaining our goals. It really is this simple, and it is very often the most frustrating part of being human.
You may be thinking to yourself, I don’t have any habits, and sorry to say all you are is habits. Thats what we are as humans. Sometimes we are in the present moment and do things not from habit, but most of our lives are built on habits. The good habits lead us towards what we desire in life, the not so good habits often derail our plans, lead to chronic pain, addiction, and very often depression.
What you do in the morning is habit. Getting up to pee first, then coffee, then brushing your teeth or whatever it is that you do. Have you ever even been aware of what you do every morning? Perhaps tomorrow morning, become aware of your routine, and maybe change something up a bit.
So, the thing about habits is that we are completely unaware of most of them. A great example for me was the fact that I wanted to sing opera, but kept experiencing vocal fatigue. I couldn’t figure out the problem for years, until someone made me aware that my speaking voice was causing my vocal fatigue. I had to change the habits I had while speaking with people in order to find a freer, healthier way of singing. Another great example was when I developed chronic lower back pain. it became so bad, I had to take months off of work, and Drs were stumped. All they could do was prescribe me muscle relaxants and tell me Id probably just need surgery later in life. Thank goodness I didn’t listen to them. I kept searching for answers until I finally learned that daily habits I had developed in yoga and my own stretching routine not to mention poor posture while bartering were the culprits. And the brilliant nick helped me to create new habits which over time, combined with acupuncture has completely healed my back.
We are the culmination of our daily habits.
If you want to get fit and healthy and you have a daily habit of eating junk food and watching tv all day, but you think 1 hour in the gym a day is going to get you to your goals, I have bad news for you.
If you dream of being an exceptional singer, but you have a habit of speaking like Kim Kardashian or eat foods everyday that make your heart burn flair up everyday, I have bad news for you.
If you are willing to start analyzing your life, becoming aware of your daily habits, and working towards changing the ones that aren’t helping you towards your goals, well then I have great news for you. You can and you will change your life by changing your daily habits!!!!!!
Learn more about Changing Your Daily Habits and Wylde Voices with a FREE Consultation and Mini Voice Activation!